I'm Kathleen, Founder of IT'S NO YOKE.®

Like many of my favorite inventors, the inspiration behind IT'S NO YOKE® came from a need of my own. As an intrepid New Yorker, I am always on the go, usually on foot, and typically with a bag or two in tow. And as a licensed massage therapist for more than twenty-five years, I am keenly aware of the importance of a centered posture and, personally, the health and freedom of my hands.

For nearly a decade, I used my hands to help patients recovering from cardiothoracic surgery at New York-Presbyterian Hospital. I primarily utilized CranioSacral Techniques, where touch receptors on the skin sent signals that alerted me to my patient’s needs. This technique required full attention to my hands, so you could say protecting them was paramount!

Between this and my desire to move through my day centered and balanced... IT'S NO YOKE® was invented. A modern day version of the ancient yoke, INY® is a comfortable, ergonomic accessory that molds to your body’s contour as soon as you put it on. With the goal of maintaining a low profile, I selected high quality fabrics and stabilizing features that are subtle, strong, and out of the way when not needed. After all, "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." —Leonardo da Vinci.

Realizing this need is not unique to city dwellers and certainly not exclusive to me, I perfected my prototype and brought this simple yet effective solution to the market. Created in New York City and manufactured in the USA, with Utility and Design Patents, I am thrilled that thousands of people - baggage hauling travelers, coaches loaded down with gear, busy parents juggling kids and cargo, and often the family pet - are managing all of it a little easier, and hands free, with the help of IT'S NO YOKE.®

Me? I continue to learn and grow, most recently flexing my storytelling muscle as I strive to stay curious and evolving, busy yet balanced.
Stay well,